As Earth Churns…31c. The Throne Room

There were nods of affirmation all around. Then Allen asked, “How many animals?”

“We pondered that question for a good long while,” Jesus explained. “Then Gabriel calculated that the dimensions of our ship would hold a pair of all the wild animals and seven pairs of all the domesticated species. This would give Noah’s family and their new world a great start. The Ark would be large enough to separate animals from each other and hold enough food for a long time.”

“The Ark?” Michael inquired.  “I guess that’s what you call the boat?”

Gabriel back into the conversation, “Yes, Michael, that’s right. We even thought about the fierceness of some of the animals and the massive amounts of clean-up that would be necessary to maintain proper sanitation on board the ship?”

“With the approval of my Father, we are hoping that those two issues could be handled with some supernatural help from above?” Jesus clarified with a questioning glance at his Father.

“I think that can be arranged,” the Creator said with a smile. He continued, “I believe that’s enough for now. We’ll meet again soon to discuss the next step.”

“You mean who and how to get Noah and his family on board about building the giant boat and gathering all those animals?” Raphael asked.

“Yes, Raphael,” God replied. “Before we disband today’s meeting though, there is one other item I must share. This will put Enoch’s mind at rest.”

“What’s that, Lord?” Enoch inquired.

“I know you and others have been wondering about Noah’s father, Lamech,” God reminded them.

“That has come up in our Discovery Team meetings,” Michael added.

The Father went on, “Lamech has lived a long and good life. The only reason he hasn’t been included in the plans for the occupancy of the boat is that he won’t be alive at the end.” That got everyone’s attention. “Lamech will die of old age and natural causes, peacefully in his sleep, about five years before the flood commences.”

Enoch stated, “Thank you, Lord. I was wondering and worried.”

God concluded, “I know you were, Enoch. And with that, this meeting is adjourned.” As they all got up to leave, God spoke to his Son, “Jesus, a word before you go, please.”

“Yes, Father,” Jesus replied. “What is it?”

“We need to discuss what’s next,” God stated matter-of-factly.

[to be continued...hopefully] Note from author: The next posting of Imagine! will contain my thoughts for the future of this book blog. It took me 14 years to get this far. I need to do some research and some more imagining. I pray it doesn't take another 14 years of sporadic writing and procrastination to restart. I have a plan forming in my mind. As I stated numerous times to my students during my 40-year educational career, "If it isn't in writing, it doesn't exist." My task for the next few days is to Imagine! and WRITE!


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