As Earth Churns…29b. The Throne Room

“There is hope,” God concluded. “We shall just wait and see. I can tell you that Lamech’s first born will be named Noah, because he will comfort his family in the labor and painful toil of their hands caused by the ground that was cursed by me following the sin of Adam and Eve.”

            Enoch inquired, “Hopefully I don’t seem too presumptuous in asking how long will you wait before you destroy everyone?”

            God replied, “Not at all, Enoch. Jesus, will you respond, please?”

            Jesus stated, “Yes, of course. Enoch, my Father and I discussed this and came to several conclusions.  First, we’re not rushing into anything. We might not take any action for a thousand years.”

            Allen interrupted, “You’ve told us many times that with your Father a thousand years is as a day and a day as a thousand years.”

            Jesus continued, “That’s right, Allan. Time only has real meaning on Earth for humans. Also we will wait and give Enoch’s great-grandson Noah a chance.”

            “You think one man can make a significant difference in life on Earth?” Michael spoke up.

            “Here stands Enoch among us as a testimony to that possibility,” Jesus pointed out. “It is just as likely that Noah will follow his father and great-grandfather and be found righteous in God’s eyes, as that he will emulate his grandfather Methuselah. Father?”

            “Thank you, Son.” God said. “While we wait for the next centuries of life on Earth to unfold, there are some plans to be laid.” Each one in the room redoubled his focus on what the Father was about to say. “The Discovery Team of Rafael, Allen, Zerub, Michael, and Enoch will continue to watch and learn about the happenings on Earth. Keep your distance use the Earth Overlook. Limit actual contact with mankind. Report what you observe – good, bad, and ugly – to Rafael, so he can publish all the news in the Heavenly Herald.” The team members each nodded and verbally affirmed that they were up to the task.

            God concluded, “The other monumental task is complex and will be up to Jesus and Gabriel.”

            Gabriel seemed surprised, “Yes, Sir?”

            God hesitated obviously waiting for the Discovery Team to make their exit from the Throne Room. Then he addressed the two who remained. “My Son and Gabriel, you both did such an amazing job with the planning and designing of creation that I want the two of you to undertake a similar project – one just as important given the present times, though not as extensive as the six days of creation.”

            Jesus, equally astonished, spoke up, “What is it, Father? I had no idea.”

            “I purposefully limited your omniscience, so you wouldn’t know beforehand,” God explained. “I want you and Gabriel to plan for the salvation of a few humans. Think positively that Noah will live in the ways of his great-grandfather Enoch.

            Jesus, somewhat dumbfounded, uttered, “Don’t you know whether he or won’t – whether he will be good or evil?”

            God contemplated, “No, Son. I’ve chosen not to know in this case. Neither you nor I will use our omniscience for foreknowledge of how Noah and this whole episode in mankind’s history will play out.”

            Gabriel interjected, “Wow! It will be like a mystery unfolding.”

            “What about the information the Discovery Team observes and what Rafael publishes in the Heavenly Herald?” Jesus questioned.

            “That’s all right for you to know,” God affirmed. “You and Gabriel may have hundreds of years to complete your project.”

            Jesus pondered, “How often do you  want us to report to you on our progress?”

            “Whenever you want to; or if you have questions, or just want to bounce ideas off me for advice,” God mused. “Feel free…anytime.”

            Jesus said, “Anything else, Father?”

            God replied, "No, I suppose that’s about it for now.”

            Jesus turned to Gabriel, “Okay, Gabe, let’s get started.”

            Gabriel retorted, “I’m with you, Jesus!”

            Jesus faced God, “Father, may we please use the Planning Room we were in for the Creation task?”

            God asserted, “I thought you’d want to do that. I had some angels clean it and supply it with everything architects on such an important mission might need.”

            With that the two eager designers hastily disappeared leaving God to ponder. “Those two make a marvelous team. I will wait patiently and enthusiastically for the results of their efforts together.”

[to be continued]


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